Andrew Alferman

MS graduate

Andrew is an MS student studying the stiffness of chemical kinetics, and methods to reduce the cost of incorporating detailed chemistry in combustion and reactive-flow simulations.

MS thesis: Evaluating Stiffness Metrics for Predicting the Cost of Chemical Kinetics Integration

Current position: Senior Mechanical Engineer at PacifiCorp.


Accelerating finite-rate chemical kinetics with coprocessors: Comparing vectorization methods on GPUs, MICs, and CPUs

Conference Papers

Niemeyer KE, Alferman A, Lorson P, Klee EF, Curtis NJ, Sung CJ. "Software Library for Accelerating Chemical Kinetics on Hybrid Architectures: the SLACKHA Project." SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE19), Spokane, WA, USA. February 2019

Alferman AT, Niemeyer KE. "Investigating stiffness detection metrics for chemical kinetics." 2017 Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Laramie, WY, USA. October 2017

Alferman AT, Niemeyer KE. "Investigating stiffness detection metrics for chemical kinetics." 10th National Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD, USA. April 2017