We study fluid dynamics phenomena using computer simulations, particularly fluid flows involving chemical reactions such as combustion. Our work extends from chemical kinetic reaction models for transportation fuels to computationally expensive, direct numerical simulations of turbulent combustion.

Our research focuses on numerical methods to reduce the computational expense of accurately simulating combustion and engineering fluid flows, as well as the actual physical phenomena like turbulence-chemistry interactions and smoldering combustion.

Posted 09 Jul 2018

NRG members Dan, Andrew, and Luz successfully defended their MS degrees—congratulations!

Posted 20 Jun 2018

NRG PhD candidate AJ was featured in an article in the Corvallis Gazette-Times about filming an episode for his LIB LAB video series at the Oregon Coast Aquarium. This episode will be part of a collaboration with Dr. Nicole Sharp’s FY Fluid Dynamics blog.

Posted 20 Dec 2017

NRG projects and team members have been in the news lately!

  • In October 2017, AJ won the 2017 OSU Distinguished Master’s Thesis Award. His thesis reported and analyzed the turbulent flame speed of jet and jet-like fuels.

  • In April 2017, Kyle was featured in an episode of the Research in Action podcast, where he discussed open science.

  • In March 2017, ASME featured a story on arc position sensing technology for vacuum arc remelting furnaces, mentioning Miguel and Kyle’s project funded by OregonBEST.

  • In December 2016, the Corvallis Gazette-Times wrote about Matt and Kyle’s NETL-funded project studying pulse detonation engines.

  • The College of Engineering’s Spring 2016 Momentum! magazine featured Tejas and Kyle’s SERDP-funded project studying smoldering combustion.

Posted 21 Oct 2017
Published 05 Mar 2019
Published 17 Jan 2019
The principles of tomorrow's university
Katz et al. F1000 Research 2018
Published 03 Jan 2019
Effects of Langmuir turbulence on upper ocean carbonate chemistry
Smith et al. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 2018
Published 08 Nov 2018