Morgan Mayer

MS student

Morgan graduated with her Honors BS in Chemical Engineering from Oregon State University; as an undergraduate research assistant she worked on collecting and standardizing experimental combustion data for validating and improving chemical kinetic models. She is now pursuing her MS in Mechanical Engineering working on using machine learning methods to predict fuel properties.


Assessing impacts of discrepancies in model parameters on autoignition model performance: A case study using butanol

Conference Papers

Mayer MA, Niemeyer KE. "Performance comparison of chemical kinetic models for toluene autoignition." 11th US National Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, CA, USA. March 2019

Sirumalla SK, Mayer MA, Niemeyer KE, West R. "Introducing a workflow for improving kinetic models: Case study using butanol." 2018 Spring Technical Meeting of the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute, State College, PA, USA. March 2018

Mayer MA, Niemeyer KE. "Comparison and analysis of chemical kinetic models for toluene autoignition." 2017 Fall Technical Meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute, Laramie, WY, USA. October 2017

Niemeyer KE, Mayer MA, Sirumalla SK, West R. "Assessing the impact of reaction rate variation on autoignition model performance: butanol." 10th National Combustion Meeting, College Park, MD, USA. April 2017