The challenge and promise of software citation for credit, identification, discovery, and reuse

Niemeyer KE, Smith AM, Katz DS. Journal of Data and Information Quality 7 (4) :16 (2016).
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In this article, we present the challenge of software citation as a method to ensure credit for and identification, discovery, and reuse of software in scientific and engineering research. We discuss related work and key challenges/research directions, including suggestions for metadata necessary for software citation.


  Author = {Kyle E. Niemeyer and Arfon M. Smith and Daniel S. Katz},
  Title = {The challenge and promise of software citation for credit, identification, discovery, and reuse},
  Journal = {Journal of Data and Information Quality},
  Pages = {16},
  Volume = {7},
  Number = {4},
  Year = 2016,
  doi = {10.1145/2968452}